
This is my blog, my super-fantastic blog, to be exact.
I hope you like reading it, and hearing about my various enthralling escapades.
I'm sure you will just be capitaivated by my highly interesting entries, deep, profound thoughts and opinionated views.
No, don't exit!
I'm not [completely] selfish and vain, I just happen to have a very lame, sarcastic sense of humour.
So. Right.
Have fun.

But not too much fun.

[That doesn't make sense, does it?]

Thursday, September 11, 2008

No man can eat 50 eggs

What one likes to do tells people a lot about their character. Your habits, activities and hobbies describe your personality. Your likes and dislikes, loves and hates, really do make up a large part of who you are.
In this entry today, I am going to write about all the things that I like to do.

Running- not thinking sure is a blast.
Walking- this is when I really think things through and relax, plus I love being outdoors.
Playing netball.
Tramping/bush walks.
Swimming at the beach.
Dare-devil things, like jumping off high objects into the water, and stunts that give you a rush.
Climbing trees.
Baking- eating it is nice, but I like the actual making part, and then presenting it to my family (and getting positive feedback).
Reading- there's just something about being absorbed in another world, or another's mind.
Eating- there's something about being hungry, then eating a good meal to satisfy you.
Listening to music really loudly.
Laughing hysterically.
Sitting with my friends and having a really good talk.
Having e-mail conversations with my my pals that are written seriously, but are actually composed of nonsense and inside jokes.
Watching feel-good movies, and movies that make you think, or make you appreciate the life you have.
Watching documentaries.
Learning about our world- what you are learning isn't always nice, but it is interesting.
Getting my marks- I like knowing what I got, why I got it, and how I can improve.
Learning in general, actually; "knowledge is power".
Understanding- nothing much can beat figuring something out and that wonderful feeling of, oohhh, I get it now, or ahh, that's what that means.
Watching random, late night television with my mum or brother.
Having a really long talk with my mum;, when she comes and sits on my bed, or I sit on hers, and we just chat about anything and everything.

Helping people, especially aiding them to learn or understand; you feel so successful.

Arguing, especially when you know you a right, and you win. Expressing your opinion is fun.
Sounding smart- when what you want to say comes out perfectly, your words just fit together nicely, or you use a new, complicated word- I love it.
Being a little kid with my six-year old brother- whether it be playing Sponge Bob, rampaging around the garden, or exploring our neighbourhood, I really adore our time together, and having a reason to go on the playground.
Handing in an assignment, and feeling proud, knowing that it is good because you've worked really hard (and then getting an E is nice, too).
Public speaking and performing in drama- people's attention; people actually listening to you- the majority of people crave that and so when I get it, I enjoy it. Making people think and laugh, and maybe even teaching them- it's great fun.
Blogging- I like it when I know what to write about it.

So, what have you gleamed from that list? I haven't analysed it, it looks kind of hard to, but I think it does show what a super-fantastic person I am.
P.S., I thought I would give this blog entry a random title so you would click on it, wondering what it was about. (Yup, it's a quote from that drummer.)

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