
This is my blog, my super-fantastic blog, to be exact.
I hope you like reading it, and hearing about my various enthralling escapades.
I'm sure you will just be capitaivated by my highly interesting entries, deep, profound thoughts and opinionated views.
No, don't exit!
I'm not [completely] selfish and vain, I just happen to have a very lame, sarcastic sense of humour.
So. Right.
Have fun.

But not too much fun.

[That doesn't make sense, does it?]

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's raining outside.

It's raining outside. The weather has been threatening all day, but it only started raining sometime this afternoon. This post has no title as I write this, and I do not know what it will be about. I was hoping it might turn into a nice, attempting-to- be-in-depth kind of ramble, but now I've thought this, it seems like I've jinxed it. Anyway, let's see where this goes, shall we? It will probably just end up as another one of my never-to-be-finished drafts, though that in itself is an odd thing to write, because if I publish this it won't be a draft. Perhaps I just wrote that as a sort of anti-jinx; something to prove myself wrong against. Who knows? And better yet, who cares?

This question has been on my mind for the longest time. Who actually reads this blog? No one. I bet that no one consistently reads this blog. Yes, that's a bit of a bummer, but I'm not that worried about the lack of attention. Well, not in the way you might imagine. It just seems so wasteful to spend all this time thinking and typing and editing for something that doesn't matter. Does Ms. Wilson even read our blogs? By an off chance, or, by more of a predictable result of Murphy's Law, she will probably make a point of reading this blog and then calling it to attention in front of the class. Oh well, she mentions the (quote) screwed-up look of my face in front of them, so this shouldn't matter.
It seems that this whole blogging things is like a numbers game. She checks to see how many we have done, and when, and also if our link is highlighted.

When it comes down to it, though, as I have come to realise, no one cares what you think. No matter how hard you try to get it down into words and proper sentences, no matter how passionate you feel about it, who actually will this matter to? It sounds so pessimistic and a bit like the donkey Eeyore, but it's true.
I'm not depressed, I am, as always, simply curious.

I've heard that emotional intelligence is more important than that I.Q. (intelligence quota). Maybe people who say this are just bitter about their average score- I can relate, I'm no genius. I think this could be true, though. You think about what the ultimate goal of human kind is? A complicated question at best, but if you briefly glance at it, it appears as though all of our efforts go towards us living a happy life; about us feeling good; fulfilled; enjoying life.

Emotional intelligence is, if I am not mistaken, to do with how you interact and react to other people, and reading theirs, and your own, emotions.
No matter how smart you are, or how rich, or whatever, if you can't communicate with people, or are an arrogant smart-alec, then chances are you won't be happy.
If you aren't particularly smart, or are even below average in the I.Q. stakes, if you have good people skills and good friends, you will probably lead a happier life. Then, in the end, who is more successful?
That is why I think you emotional quota just might be more important than your intelligence.
This was an unnecessary lengthy explanation to something that doesn't really seem to fit anywhere, but bear with me.

The reason I am sounding a little sad or negative, I think, is due to that fact that today I found out the winners of the writing competition I entered Hunger into. I want to become more emotionally intelligent, so I have decided to analyses why I feel a certain way and see what triggered it. I think I feel this way because, for some unknown reason, I thought I might have won.
Okay, so the reason isn't totally unknown.
Ever since I won my first writing competition last year, I have started considering winning any that I enter. Prior to that, I wouldn't even think of it as a possibility; I just entered them for the sake of it. When I won my second consecutive won (it was a tiny, in-school thing, so I don't know if it counts), it sub-consciously strengthened this belief within me.
Secondly, I was quite happy with what I entered. I liked it, and quite often I'm not happy with what I write, so this was surely a good sign.
Also, the judges had said to 'make a statement'. I blatantly did this, but, now I think about it, perhaps a bit too blatantly.

Today I received two letters in the mail. When I got them, I automatically thought of this competition. My heart was beating and my mind was racing. They were bank statements.
I think these feelings were caused not only by all the reasons above, but also by the fact I had a really good day today, and so, whether I realised it or not, I was expecting my good fortune to continue.

Huh, I actually feel better. Instead of listening to music too loud and writing something angsty down and feeling tortured but somehow cool, I dealt with things intelligently and logically.
I wrote it all down, and it turned into another blog entry. On the plus side, no one will probably ever read this garbage, so they won't judge me on twittering along like a, well, twit.

Don't you love it when things work out?

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