
This is my blog, my super-fantastic blog, to be exact.
I hope you like reading it, and hearing about my various enthralling escapades.
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I'm not [completely] selfish and vain, I just happen to have a very lame, sarcastic sense of humour.
So. Right.
Have fun.

But not too much fun.

[That doesn't make sense, does it?]

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Science Report

Last term we were given an assignment in science. We had to research five different ways of generating electricity. We could present it in any way that we like. Power point, essay, poster. I choose to write a report. I guess it was kind of like an essay, but it didn't have a formal structure, and it had a lot of paragraphs. I chose to do this because next year, and every year after that, in work and university and everything, you don't spend your time making pretty posters- you write essays and reports- and, eventually, books (a thesis or something like that?). Later, our science teacher said that we didn't need to print out all our information and highlight it, like we did for English. She did originally, I swear.

It's fair to say that I got a bit carried away. Not that we didn't have a lot to do. I'm just glad my efforts were awarded. I apologise for tooting my own horn, but I think I deserved what I got- I worked so hard. On the calendar above the thought of the month is, Never apologise for feeling- when you do so, you apologise for the truth. I think that this applies to me somewhat. I've realised, with the help of my mum, that I am never really pleased with myself. I am a perfectionist, it's true. I refuse to say sorry for having pride in my own achievements, comprende? I got Excellence +++ on this report. The mark doesn't even exist, but it's a nice thought. She also wrote, Awesome! I'd like to see a university student top this!
Automatically I think that she is over-exaggerating, that perhaps her hand slipped while she was writing that, or that she was under the influence. Why is my first path one that leads to belittling myself?
And hey, guess what? I got a perfect score on our electricity (physics) test, and I'm proud!

So, anyway, you saw it coming: I am going to post my report. Well, some of it, at any rate. It is six pages long, so I am just going to put the introduction and the section on nuclear power up. I hope you find it interesting. Frankie read the whole thing and said it wasn't boring, that counts for something, right?

Exploring Electricity Generation

Elektron is the Greek word for ‘amber’, and Ä“lectricus is New Latin for ‘amber-like’. The phenomenon of electricity began long before the Common Era. It was observed that rubbing the tree resin against objects such as fur and cloth would result in the amber picking up light objects. We have come a long way from that, and now have numerous different techniques to generate electricity- the energy which the human species relies on to survive, and which is necessary for our modern society to function. The methods used to generate the electricity that is causing the bulb above me to glow, and the computer before me to work, is produced through electro-magnetism.

“Electricity is generated when a coil of wire moves in a magnetic field. This is the basis of electricity generators.”
In a generator, there is a piece of equipment known as a turbine. When the turbine spins, so does the rotor. The rotor is made up of coiled wires, which have a slight electric current flowing through them. This produces a magnetic filed around the wires.

The stationary part of the generator is known as the stator, and this is also made up of solenoids (tightly would coils of wire). When the rotor spins, the magnetic field of the rotor causes electrons to flow in the stator, and this electric current then travels through transformers and transmission lines, until it reaches your home.

In a model version of a generator, like the one you’re in secondary schools, the turbine is spun by hand. On the massive scale of power plants, however, this just can’t be done. So the problem is something needs to spin the turbine. The only difference between different methods of electricity generation is what is used to spin the turbine.

In this report, you will learn about two generating methods which heat water to turn it to steam, which makes a turbine rotate; coal power, and nuclear power. I will also explain two direct drive methods, rather than turbine drive, known as hydropower and wind power. The final technique of electricity generation I will discuss in this report is solar power, which doesn’t use a turbine at all.

There are many other systems in place and developing, but I have chosen only 5.
Coal, nuclear, hydro, wind, and solar: many different ways; same underlying principle.

Nuclear Power

In the centre of an atom there is a group of protons and neutrons known as the nucleus. Within that nucleus there is a large amount of energy, especially in the bonds which hold the neutrons and protons together. In nuclear power generation, this energy is harnessed.

When an atom is split, the energy is released in the form of heat. Heat is not the only thing that is released when a neutron is fired into it, resulting in it splitting; more neutrons are, too. These sub-atomic particles then go on to hit into other atoms, and the cycle repeats itself. In most power plants, the element Uranium is used, as the atoms divide easily. In a nuclear power plant, these chain reactions take place in a controlled environment.

In order to explain this, I will need to explain the two different types of nuclear power plants. Firstly, the most common; pressurized-water reactors. In PWRs, the water that is passed through where the atom-splitting is happening is kept under such a high pressure (hence, it’s name) so the water does not evaporate into steam, though it still becomes heated. This hot water is then flows through the tubes of a steam generator. Outside of the tubes there is clean water, which is heated by the water passing through the tubes. It heats, and then evaporates into steam. This steam travels into a turbine, causing it to turn, and spinning the rotor within the generator.

Neutrons and heat are, unfortunately, not the only substances released when an atom is split, particle radiation is, too. Radiation is undetectable to a human without a Geiger counter (device used to detect radioactivity); it’s colourless, has no smell- it can be deadly. Even a tiny dose of radiation can be fatal to any organism. If it doesn’t kill a human through cancer or intestine dysfunction, mutations can appear in the effected person’s offspring because of damage to their DNA.

Radioactive waste is an inevitable part of nuclear power generation. Reprocessing the waste hasn’t really done much to solve the problem, seeing as, even though it can be used again, it results in a greater amount of waste, some of which is highly concentrated. There are safe ways of storing this waste, though, and with the correct equipment and appropriate precautions, it need not pose a direct environmental threat.

Green-glowing radioactive waste, atomic bombs, billowing smoke and nuclear meltdowns; this is what probably comes to mind when one hears the term ‘nuclear power’. No, nuclear electricity generation is not perfect, but then, no energy source is. Public opinion is based on incorrect information and stereotypes (such as the Spring Field plant featured on The Simpsons). Nuclear power is, in fact, a lot cleaner than fossil fuels, the most widely used fuel source, even though it is non-renewable.

Firstly, the pollution factor on everyone’s mind: green house gases. The only emissions come from uranium processing, but these are small. Otherwise, a nuclear power plant produces no carbon dioxide or air pollution of any kind. The gas coming out of the large cooling towers is actually steam. Perhaps this reliable source of 15% of the world’s energy is worth it?

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