
This is my blog, my super-fantastic blog, to be exact.
I hope you like reading it, and hearing about my various enthralling escapades.
I'm sure you will just be capitaivated by my highly interesting entries, deep, profound thoughts and opinionated views.
No, don't exit!
I'm not [completely] selfish and vain, I just happen to have a very lame, sarcastic sense of humour.
So. Right.
Have fun.

But not too much fun.

[That doesn't make sense, does it?]

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Divagate- to wander

Okay, I realise I have been neglecting this blog more than usual.
I'm not that busy now, so I have sat down at the computer and promised myself that I won't get up until I have published this entry.
Trust me, I have began many, many entries for this super-fantastic blog. I have tried to make each one have structure, meaning, and enough descriptive language to prove to a few certain people that I am capable of creative writing.
Well, what's been happening in my life?
It's holidays.
Yay. End of term. 25% of year ten- done and dusted.
Okay, I've thought of something that I can write about.
I am doing the Bronze Duke of
Edinburgh's Award this year, and so I have to do a service.
Last Thursday I started my service with our district's local library. I chose to do it at the library because I use that facility so much I wanted to give something back. Not that I don't notably fund it with all my over-due fines. It was pretty good, quite enjoyable actually, and everyone was really nice. I basically just got a quick tour, but at the end I got to shelve some large-print books.
That was fine, too, though it was rather awkward with the
librarian just standing there, staring at me, while I frantically tried to remember what came after 'H'. (The shelving system was in alphabetical order, if you didn't understand that last part of that sentence.)
Oh, on Friday I talked to my friend after
school, standing at the end of her driveway as we have done nearly everyday for the last two and a bit years, until about four thirty.
When I got home I ate some cornflakes, watched some t.v., then went and lay down in my bed in full school uniform because it was so cold. I woke up a few times over the course of the evening and early morning but basically slept until
quarter-to-seven the next morning.
My mother said that I had been burning the candles at both ends for a while (getting up early to run or go to netball training and staying up late to study) and I just needed a catch up.
that very morning, I made chocolate chip pancakes/pikelets (what is the difference?), I made quite a mess but they tasted good.
Then my mum, dad, little brother and I went down to the beach to look at the 'shipwreck'.
The major storm that has recently attacked our country, even, sadly, claiming lives, had flipped a boat upside down and washed much of its contents onto the shore. This is quite disconcerting as it's around the same size as our new boat and it was moored right by our mooring down at the cove. In fact it's still attached to the mooring, but it's upside down.
Oh-oh, last Tuesday it was my little brother's sixth birthday and also the day of his party. It was pirate themed and very, very cool. I did dress up as a pirate and badly tried to act like one. We had pin-the-eye-patch-on-the-pirate, the doughnut game, balloon races and a massive, beautiful cake made by me. I even ran a treasure hunt. It was a slightly degrading experience, made worse when you realise all the boys really cared about was the lollies.

And guess what? I am going to see Panic at The Disco live! With Cobra
Starship and The Academy Is... It's going to be rad! (Okay, so I might be grieving the loss of the exclamation mark from Panic! At The Disco, but at least I don't do this: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11)

Bobbie-Leigh (if you were bored enough to even read this), this is what happens when
I ramble.

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