
This is my blog, my super-fantastic blog, to be exact.
I hope you like reading it, and hearing about my various enthralling escapades.
I'm sure you will just be capitaivated by my highly interesting entries, deep, profound thoughts and opinionated views.
No, don't exit!
I'm not [completely] selfish and vain, I just happen to have a very lame, sarcastic sense of humour.
So. Right.
Have fun.

But not too much fun.

[That doesn't make sense, does it?]

Monday, April 21, 2008

Writing Competition

I opened our family's Inbox and felt a surge of excitement as my eyes found the subject line reading, Rodney Writes Award Presentation.
Did I dare think it? Had I won? I read the words of the e-mail, convincing myself that perhaps I had got a placing in this district-wide competition. Sadly, it was not to be.
At the end of the message were the words, and I
quote, For you information, the winners have been notified. Oh. Thanks. Needless to say, I have decided against attending.
The thing you should know is that I won this competition last year, first place in the Young Writers' category. This title also came with a five hundred dollar cheque.
I'm not that
disappointed, to be honest. I mean, yeah, it would have been nice to win, but what's happened has contradicted some fundamental principles of mine.
I wrote the first story,
Surprises around each corner and over every Wave, in about a half-hour. Seriously, I just sat down at the computer after hearing about the competition and wrote it. Then I forgot about it and finally submitted it in on the last day before the deadline of the competition.
But with the second story I spent time on; planning it, writing and re-writing it.
I suppose that the theme was more forced than the first theme.
Maybe I won on a fluke, and it is true that there weren't that many entrants the first time round.
Oh well, that's beside the point. What happened is that a careless
attitude triumphed over time and effort. It's very interesting.
I wasn't particularly proud of my
first piece, it was tacky and obvious and had way too many metaphors. I definitely think my second story was better put together, and it must have been written better- I was a whole year older and had surely developed more skill.
It is not encouraging to think that I have, perchance, become worse over time.
I have concluded that I will not take full-credit for not getting a place in this
competition, and that they probably just didn't want to let the same person win two years in a row. (That's what I have been consoling myself with at least.)
Oh well. I believe there is no peak of skill when it comes to
expressing yourself, and so I will just have to keep practicing and think positively.

Over & out.

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