
This is my blog, my super-fantastic blog, to be exact.
I hope you like reading it, and hearing about my various enthralling escapades.
I'm sure you will just be capitaivated by my highly interesting entries, deep, profound thoughts and opinionated views.
No, don't exit!
I'm not [completely] selfish and vain, I just happen to have a very lame, sarcastic sense of humour.
So. Right.
Have fun.

But not too much fun.

[That doesn't make sense, does it?]

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Blog Entry (!)

Well, hi again. I don't know whether I should be proud or disappointed. I mean, yes, I'm updating regularly, but my entries don't seem to be as...topical as they used to be. I don't mean that they were about current events, but that they had one, unifying point or subject. Now days, I seem to just be rambling for a few hundred words and slapping on a random title. But you're enjoying it, right?
I guess I'm still writing, and that has gotta be good. And I suppose my previous entry was pretty focused. Okay, how about a weird hybrid of pride and and disappointment? Dride?

Sorry, but that has to be some sort of talent. I just turned what was meant to be two sentences into a paragraph.
Alright. I was going to write about my day (yes, again). Now, what happened...
Our class had PE first block, but I didn't participate because of my ankle. I sat on the sidelines, feeling sorry for myself and attempting to do my maths homework. I got hit with a ball approximately seven times. It wasn't that bad though, because my lovely friends came and sat with me for some of it. If I hadn't injured my ankle I would have had plyometrics, PE, then cross country today (have I mentioned that before?). I do miss running already. I don't want to lose any fitness, especially with the Nike+ challenge coming up in, what, four days.
Crap. I didn't realise it was so close. Damn you, ankle, heal!
(P.S., you'll be hearing about the Nike+ challenge at a later date this month).

So, then I had maths after morning tea. We went to the computer lab, and then were told that we had to have a clear out of our old files. Man, did we get nostalgic. Reading emails from years ago, watching our silent movie from last year, reading old essays and letters. It was fun, but kind of sad, too. And yes, we did get out work done as well.
(That's right, I have begun to sentences with 'and' now.)

I had French third period. We have a test on Wednesday. Yup, just heap some more work on the mammoth pile. I actually had quite a nice moment in French. Last lesson we had learnt a lot of new, complicated (for our level, at any rate) phrases and terms about siblings and relationships. We then had to describe our relationship with our siblings. I spent ages doing mine last night, checking and re-checking the text book. I asked my teacher, Mr. Fitzgerald, to check over it and he said, genuinely, 'Wow, this is really good'. But there was pause between the 'wow' and the rest of the sentence. I felt so good. I was all smiley, and I am now, thinking about it. Mr. Fitz is a good teacher, but he doesn't hand out compliments so readily, you see. I had even made a few mistakes, and I must be growing up not to be worried about them.

Drama was what I had last. We are doing Maori myths and legends, and my group is doing How Maui Fished up Aotearoa. That's going alright, but I think I need to work on my character, Maui. Don't laugh.
I think it's gonna be good once we start rehearsing.

After school, that is, about two hours ago, I made chocolate chip cookies and even did the dishes.
Now, I'm doing homework. I am going to do my research project, I am. Seriously, after I publish this, I am going to get it all up to date- and that means the research will be done.

Paramore, all we know is falling, is playing right now. If you'll lucky, you might even get a review.
If I had a witty ending to this post, I would write one now. Bye.

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