
This is my blog, my super-fantastic blog, to be exact.
I hope you like reading it, and hearing about my various enthralling escapades.
I'm sure you will just be capitaivated by my highly interesting entries, deep, profound thoughts and opinionated views.
No, don't exit!
I'm not [completely] selfish and vain, I just happen to have a very lame, sarcastic sense of humour.
So. Right.
Have fun.

But not too much fun.

[That doesn't make sense, does it?]

Monday, August 11, 2008


I was sitting at the table with some afternoon tea about five minutes ago, when inspiration struck me. Well, struck is probably too strong of a word. I was thinking about things, which lead to other things, which eventually brought me to the conclusion that I should write a blog entry about food. Hence, here I am, doing just that.

So, food. It's an important part of our lives. We need it to live. As simple as that. It has evolved, through out the ages, to something much more than just fuel for our bodies. It defines culture. Ever done a project on a country? One aspect of culture is cuisine. It can explain so much about a country; their landscape; their climate; their resources. It is an art of sorts, but two principals remains the same from the rice in Japan, the cassava of Fiji, or the croissants of France- it sustains us and tastes good.
France- this is the perfect example. Food, and all their attitudes/behaviours towards it, really defines them as a ethnicity.

In recent times, however, food and eating has become distorted. With the media and celbreties pressing in from all sides, people from all across the western world have fasted through too many diet fads to count. Snack the whole entire day! Eat three square meals a day! Don't eat at all, boys only like skinny girls!
It's horrible, and it's sad.
What happened to being healthy? No amount of dieting and killing yourself at the gym is going to make you healthy on the inside.

Personally, I love food. I try to eat healthy, but I believe in giving everything a try, and also in the necessary feast day once in a while.
I am vegetarian, and have been for four years, now. Our family eat pretty healthy, though, I am the only vegetarian.
But, to the point that drove me to write- my favourite foods.
I'm sitting here, scraping out the remnants of the natural yoghurt from the EasiYo container, so might as well start with that.

Yoghurt- I love it. It is so nice, and great by itself, or with fruit or muesli. I only like real yoghurt, though, with cultures. I refuse to touch goop such as CalciYum, etc.

Muesli is one of my favourite foods. Of course I like toasted, but after seeing how much fat is in just one serving (What's Really in Our Food?: Cereal episode), I've gone off it. Any other muesli is fine with me; as long as it doesn't contain vast amounts of rolled oats or peanuts.

Scroggin! My friends will tell you that most intervals my hand is in a container of this scrumptious nut/seed/dried fruit mix. It's an excellent source of protein and good fats, too.

Fruit and veggies.
As a vego myself, this is what my diet mainly consists of. I like all fruit and vegetables I've tried as of yet, although I'm not too fond of red and spring onion. I adore dishes such as stir-fries and vegetable soups, and have salad for or with dinner most nights.
I love avocado on toast (one of the best things ever, actually), but also think nothing much can beat a nice, crisp apple.
I also am eating more bananas than usual this year, because as you might know, the homogeneous species of the Cavendish banana is dying. (I read it in the Herald).

Some of my favourite dinners are my mum's pumpkin/pine nut/spinach/tofu lasagna and her falafel stuffed eggplants.

I like my baking, but enjoy making it and presenting it more than eating it. Albeit, a nice spoon of batter is hard to beat.

I don't particularly like junk food, my family aren't really big on it. I always feel yuck after ice cream, and can't stand fizzy drinks. I like liquorice though, and indulge in chocolate and lollies (see, I'm not completely abnormal); I have tried to ween myself off a little bit. We don't eat at McDonald's or anywhere like that, and I'm glad.

I think that's about it. I hope you have enjoyed this entry. Goodnight, folks.
(Are you hungry now?)

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