
This is my blog, my super-fantastic blog, to be exact.
I hope you like reading it, and hearing about my various enthralling escapades.
I'm sure you will just be capitaivated by my highly interesting entries, deep, profound thoughts and opinionated views.
No, don't exit!
I'm not [completely] selfish and vain, I just happen to have a very lame, sarcastic sense of humour.
So. Right.
Have fun.

But not too much fun.

[That doesn't make sense, does it?]

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yesterday: the day before today

Yesterday, was like, the best day ever. Except it wasn’t really; I’ve just had that line in my head for ages. Nevertheless, it was a pretty good day, and, guess what? You’re going to hear all about it!

So, it was Tuesday. I had banana and yoghurt for breakfast. It was Day 2 on the timetable, which is always a good day, because we have all the core subjects. For a moment there I was inclined to writing the four subjects down, but then realised that no one outside our class will probably be reading this. So yeah.

I walked into English, after being dropped off at school, to see my name on the SmartBoard. Our teacher explained that the ten of us had been chosen to give the kids of the contributing schools a tour of our school. First I was like ‘yeah!’, and second I was more like, ‘oh…but what about maths and social studies?’. I, and I am really sorry about his Gabrielle, then told Gabby that she could take my place, but then I had a change of mind and heart. There were a few aspects contributing to my decision. Firstly, I felt so sick in science I don’t even want to think about it. I thought walking around might make me feel better, plus it was a beautiful day. Secondly, it seemed like the type of thing I would regret not doing. I’ll probably remember that day, as it does have good memories associated with it, and I would never have recalled the lessons of social science and maths. Yeah, they are fun, but this was a unique experience.

Things in general were just going my way, because our S.S. teacher was playing the piano at the cool concert given to the littlies, and we got back in time for just under half of the maths lesson in the computer lab. I had such a good time. My friend and I took a group of 15 kids, from the primary school I went to, and showed them our school. I basically talked a lot, while Brennyn was cool at the back of the group, making sure we lost no one.
Afterwards, when someone asked whether or not I had sold our school, she said, ‘She sure did, she made it sound so good, and I was like, wait a minute, our school isn’t that good.’

The truth is, though, that giving this tour has brought up good memories from my time at our school. No, it isn’t perfect, but I’ve had some really fun times there. Dissections, camps, trips- there actually are a lot of opportunities at our school. I even think the kids enjoyed it a little bit, and I hope that boy who said ‘knowledge is boring’ took in what I was saying.

Well, that is pretty much it. I better get on with the explicit maths homework thing, and that infamous research assignment- it’s nearly over!

But, seriously though, with those year sixes, I swear I was never that small.

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