
This is my blog, my super-fantastic blog, to be exact.
I hope you like reading it, and hearing about my various enthralling escapades.
I'm sure you will just be capitaivated by my highly interesting entries, deep, profound thoughts and opinionated views.
No, don't exit!
I'm not [completely] selfish and vain, I just happen to have a very lame, sarcastic sense of humour.
So. Right.
Have fun.

But not too much fun.

[That doesn't make sense, does it?]

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm a red blood cell...more for the archives

I've always felt that biology comes quite naturally to me. That, or I just enjoy it. I wrote this last year, in year 9. I remember the teacher being really impressed, and saying that she showed her partner the previous evening when she was marking it, exclaiming 'they are only year 9!'. To be honest, I didn't try overly hard with this. I just sat down and wrote it, as far as I can recall. Hey, it might even be useful for previous years. Imagine that, getting tutoring slash study notes from my younger self...hmm. As you can see, I'm just trying to take up space. I must admit that I do feel kind of bad publishing all my old work. I feel as though I am cheating, doing it. I'm sure I will appreciate when I look back. (I hope this blog doesn't, like, die if you don't regularly update it).
I probably sound like a sap...I am a sap. I feel bad at the possibility people will think I'm taking a short cut writing blog entries. Suck it up, Eve!

I am a red blood cell…

I am a red blood cell in the lung. I have just excited the right atrium through the pulmonary artery. As the body breathes in the lung surrounding me expands as it fills with oxygen. I absorb this oxygen and store it to distribute throughout the body later. Now I am travelling through the pulmonary vein into the left side of the heart. The walls around me are made up of very thick muscle and are contracting to pump me down through the left ventricle then back up through the aorta and out into the body. I am going to take oxygen to the index finger on the left hand. I travel through arteries down the arm and into the hand.
Now the arteries here are much thinner and extend right out to the tip so that blood cells like me can get to small body parts such as toes and fingers. These intricate arteries and veins are called capillaries and now I am moving towards the tip of the index finger and also the end of my journey as a red, oxygenated blood cell. I release the oxygen and now I am a blood cell carrying carbon dioxide which the body doesn’t need or use back towards the heart and the lungs. I am moving through a vein now and I am darker than I was before. I travel up through the wrist and the rest of the arm and through the vena cava back into the right side of the heart.
From there I am pumped down through the right ventricle and out through the pulmonary artery back into the lung. The body needs to get rid of me now and so when the lungs empty with a big breath out I go out of the body with it.

By Eve B.

(Yeah, I had pretty sweet paragraphing skills.)

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