
This is my blog, my super-fantastic blog, to be exact.
I hope you like reading it, and hearing about my various enthralling escapades.
I'm sure you will just be capitaivated by my highly interesting entries, deep, profound thoughts and opinionated views.
No, don't exit!
I'm not [completely] selfish and vain, I just happen to have a very lame, sarcastic sense of humour.
So. Right.
Have fun.

But not too much fun.

[That doesn't make sense, does it?]

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Blogging is old

It's true, blogging is old. For me, at any rate. From my observations, the speed of blogging has notably slowed down for our class. When we first got our blogs, everyone was pretty excited, and there was a general opinion of this being pretty cool. For a while, it was easy to write three a week, sometimes more. Things were going well. Time passed, and soon the natural bloggers were separated from the not-so-into-blogging-types. Ms. Wilson checking our blogs in front of the whole class was motivation to post something instead of sitting comatoze in front of the telly. The setting of regularly homework also kept the blogging tempo up. It was all rather find and dandy through the creative writing unit, and our blogs weathered the school holidays. Then, in July, things slowed down. The members of class weren't posting as regulary anymore, and Ms. Wilson wasn't checking (or at least telling us that she was).

I got back into it for a while earlier this month, but that was not permanent. The above process of events applies completely to me, but it could be completely untrue for everybody else in our class. If so, don't take offence, I am probably just slightly delirious and typing words to fill up this entry. Anyway, I have been feeling quite bad about my lack of blogging. I do enjoy it, and usually do have something I can write about. Sometimes, though, I just get so busy and have little all or no time for writing. It is a lower priority to me than other homeowork, especially since our teacter isn't checking off our three entries every week. It know, it sounds terrible. So, I have officially decided to get back into this thing. Partly because I have a a number of ideas I want to write about, and I have a fear the Ms. Wilson will suddenly check our blogs, and expect to see (however many weeks we have been doing this x three) entries.

So, what else can I fill this up with?
Oh, we had to hand in out option forms last Monday. You know, the one I was stressing and torn up about? I was seriously considsering dropping P.E., and my parents were ready to make an appointment with our principal, but then I came to a relevation. I don't need to take all academic subjects to pass, or pass with excellence. I just have to acheive well in all the subjects that I do take. Physical Education does not have any exams and has little to no homework. Because of this, I can apply myself more into studying of other subjects and the large amounts of homework they are sure to have.

I have decided to take Chemistry (half-year course), and half-year P.E., and my full year subjects will be Geography and French. At the options evening I went to I reliased that I didn't even really like histroy. However, because the world likes to make things hard for me sometimes, the subjects for year 11 were really interesting: Origins of WW2, NZ Security during the Cold War, and Civil Rights in the USA. I decided to take Chemistry because it will give me an idea of whether or not I really want to follow the medicine path, and my three closest friends, who are all taking History, are going to teach me all about what they learn.

I am quite excited about next year now I have made my decisions. It's going to be hard, but it is also going to be quite fun, and very interesting. And imaging getting that Level 1 certificate!
Do you know that if I pass the Research Assignment and this Reading standard we're doing now, I would have already passed NCEA Level 1 English?

My goal for next year is to pass with Excelence. To do this, you must pass the majority of your Achievement Standards, and exams, I guess, with Excellence; it is entrierly possible. I'll just have to try super-hard, and make a noticable effort in Physd Ed.

That's about it, now I have to do some homework. You will be hearing from me soon.

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