
This is my blog, my super-fantastic blog, to be exact.
I hope you like reading it, and hearing about my various enthralling escapades.
I'm sure you will just be capitaivated by my highly interesting entries, deep, profound thoughts and opinionated views.
No, don't exit!
I'm not [completely] selfish and vain, I just happen to have a very lame, sarcastic sense of humour.
So. Right.
Have fun.

But not too much fun.

[That doesn't make sense, does it?]

Monday, June 2, 2008

The March

It was weird, because even as we headed down to the event, I wasn't 100 percent sure on what exactly we were going to be doing. My friend, Bobbie-Leigh, had told me it was a march, making a statement against the tabloids. Cool, I had thought, I'm in.
Allow me to explain.

I'm no expert, but, basically, this thirteen year old English girl committed suicide, and the Daily Mail blamed the band My Chemical Romance, calling them a suicide cult. That is completely false. MCR are very against cutting, and at the concert I went to of their's last year, the lead singer had yelled, 'You better have a high opinion of yourself!'
Anyway, a protest was organised to meet outside the Daily Mail in London, England. The fans over here then decided to join forces, and show their support.

My parents had been against me going since the first mention of the event, but using my persuasion skills, I managed to bring them around.
On Saturday the 31st of May at approximately 11.14, Bobbie's car pulled into my drive-way, Francesca in the back seat, I hopped in, and we were off.
45 minutes later, we were at the base of the SkyTower, looking up to its far off look-out like any old tourist. There weren't as many people there as I had anticipated. The twenty or so My Chemical Romance merch-clad people stood together, looking uneasy.
It was slightly off-putting. We made our way over, Erin from Friday Night running to meet us.
Then we commenced to stand around, looking at each other awkwardly, and feeling like idiots.
Sad, but true.
But then, we started to get into it. We had a group meeting and decided that it was stupid to be uncomfortable, and being embarrassed was just a waste of time.
So, we had a sing-a-long. With the help of Frankie's and Erin's pleasant yelling, we were drawn together by the mere fact that we loved MCR, and that we knew all the words to every song.
There we were, singing
I'm not okay at the top our lungs, in the middle of a crowded area full of unsuspecting patrons.
People were staring, but we didn't care. We were rebels with a cause.

After we got to know each other a little bit more, and some people had given interviews to a girl who was making a documentary, we were off. It wasn't a proper protest, but boy, was it fun.
This is what we did.
We walked along to this intersection. It had no crossings, but when the little man went green everyone crossed. There was a big hole in the middle where no one was walking, so we decided to fill that space.
We played Twister.

played Twister in the middle of a city intersection. I'm sorry, but I am quite proud of that fact. (I don't think there's a law against it.)
We also moshed. We moshed to our own voices in the middle of the street.
It was
so fun. Being reckless every once and a while is great. And making a fool out of yourself fairly regularly is good for your health.
We walked up to the music shop Real Groovy, and politely asked if they would play a My Chem song so that we could mosh in the middle of the shop. Sadly, that wasn't possibe.
We then nicely asked if we could borrow their stage for just five minutes. We wanted to have a air-guitar competition.
With the security guard standing by, we loudly sang My Chem songs as people played imaginary guitars on the stage. It was so much fun, for lack of a better word.
Standing up there, being an idiot; pretending to be a rock star. People singing to you lyrics you knew all too well, and going a little crazy. Ah, good times. At the end of my little, um, performance, I raised my hands, and said, 'I'm here all week!'.
The competition was for a Frank Iero doll, which I wanted so badly, but the first girl won it, which was fair.
We were asked to leave after that, which we did, because we were friendly protesters.

On our adventure we also...

Moved all of the My Chemical Romance C.D.'S from the emo/punk section in JBHIFI, to the 'hard rock' section. Frankie put a sign up that said, 'MCR ARE
NOT EMO!', but the shop assistant removed it when he was taking all the records back to the incorrect section.
We all walked into Burger King and one by one ordered pig-fat ice-creams. I threw mine out, though, because it was yuck.

Overall, it was a really great day. I enjoyed just being crazy, having fun, being stared at and not caring. Meeting new people is always exciting, because you can be whoever you want. But it wasn't as awkward as it should have been, a big group of strangers, because we were all connected by a love and a passion for My Chemical Romance, and what they stand for.

Long live MCR.

1 comment:

Bobbie-Leigh said...

On Saturday the 31st of May at approximately 11.14, Bobbie's car pulled into my drive-way, Francesca in the back seat, I hopped in, and we were off.

actually it was more like 11.35 jsyk. we were late.

We were rebels with a cause.


anyway yeah. you forgot about the mini-fans we found in real groovy. and have you seen the air guitar video? yeah i watched some of it. (AND SAW YOU MAN! and the chick that kicked a chair at me!) erin and the chick that won's performance was sooo epic man. erin is just amazin'.