
This is my blog, my super-fantastic blog, to be exact.
I hope you like reading it, and hearing about my various enthralling escapades.
I'm sure you will just be capitaivated by my highly interesting entries, deep, profound thoughts and opinionated views.
No, don't exit!
I'm not [completely] selfish and vain, I just happen to have a very lame, sarcastic sense of humour.
So. Right.
Have fun.

But not too much fun.

[That doesn't make sense, does it?]

Friday, June 13, 2008


As you may have observed, I have been enjoying writing about the different days of the week. Well, today is Friday, so guess what I am going to write about? No, not bananas; Friday!
So, yeah, you can exit now if you like. Lately writing about my days has been the most favourable option; it's so easy. It requires barely any thought or concentration- I can just write. And we spend our entire life living in one of the seven days, so they must be important, don't you think?

But before I start, I have just recalled something from yesterday, and I felt like recording it. Ashwin, my fellow debater, came up to me to ask about the NSW Writing test that he also sat. That lead on to us trying to decide on a day that we were all free for the next debate, and I realised that I was actually quite busy. As my friend put it, 'You do realise that you have, like, a million things on, right?'
What things, you ask? Well...

Monday- Cross Country training after school
Tuesday- maths tutoring in the evening
Wednesday- Cross Country during tutor time and interval, Alice after school
Thursday- Netball Training and library service after school
Friday- Cross Country in the morning, 7.30
Saturday- Two games of netball, the first at 9.00.

Okay, so it doesn't sound like
that much, but when you have to try and fit in debating, as well as homework, and maybe even some free time, it gets rather difficult. Now, as the show nights draw near, we have rehearsals definitely every Sunday from 10-3, Wednesdays, and a different scene every morning. I also have NSW Tests to worry about. But as I have previously mentioned, busy is better than bored.

Anyhow, today I was woken up at the dark hour of 6.30. I think my body is adjusting to these early mornings, I got up without any trouble. I think it helps when the temperature isn't too icy, either. I left home at about five past seven and walked into school in the morning twilight. It was very pleasant. I find the world is quite a different place in the different lights and times of day. The birds were just waking up, and singing there own cheery alarm tunes. I walked to the auditorium and was there right on time. I watched them run through the first two scenes, then it was our cue. The gardeners star in the beginning of Act 1, Scene 2.
'Don't go splashing paint over me like that, Five.'
'I couldn't help it, Seven jogged my elbow.'
'Always lay the blame on others.'

Can you imagine in that? Here we are centre stage, card gardeners, frantically painting a white rose tree that isn't really there. I realise that I really have to memorise my lines word-perfect, so I can start working on my accent, volume level, and expression. It's going to be really fun though. But we have like a gazillion rehearsals in the next 2 weeks. Tuesday in three weeks time is opening night!
Oh, I also found out what our costume is going to be like. Black tights and skivvies, with card, dress-type...things.

It finished at 8.30, so sadly, I did have to miss out on cross country. The school day started with science, which was a really cool lesson. We got to change a solution from acid to neutral to alkaline, and see all the bright colours of the pH Scale. It was quite frustrating at times (one drop could turn it from dark blue to glowing orange), but very awesome.

We had Social Science for 2nd period, and watched some more country presentations. We got free corn chips and salsa! Then we had maths, and at lunch I decided to sit this week's debate out, since there are now four of us in the team. During lunch, my friend, Francesca, and I used imaginary phones to call each other and ask one another out in French. We were practicing for our French oral, and it was indeed a lot of fun. A few people gave us weird looks, but it was worth it, we both got Excellence!
We got our French tests back in fourth period, too, and I got 89 out of 90. I made two mistakes.
I forgot to put the 's' on prends, and messed up a question in the written dialogue.
I am pretty happy with that result, though.

I had said I was going for a run that afternoon, but after to talking to Brennyn on the corner until half four, and sitting on the couch when I got home, it was soon dark and it was too late to go out. What a shame.
My parents were going out to celebrate my grandma's 70th that night, so I was babysitting.
Jack and I watched America's Next Top Model and ate ice cream, and then we watched Cartoon Network and ate ice cream.

It was a good Friday, even though the date said it was the 13th, and therefore a black day.

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